Frame work for skill development based on ‘Employable Skills (ES)’
Large opportunities for skill development are available for the below referred groups (educated unemployed youth). Most of the existing skill development programmes are long term in nature. Poor and less educated persons cannot afford long term training programmes due to higher entry qualifications, opportunity cost, etc. Therefore, a new framework for skill development has been evolved by the ANNAA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY to address the employability issues.
The key features of new framework for skill development are:
• Demand driven short term training courses based on modular employable skills decided in consultation with Industries.
• Flexible delivery mechanism (part time, week ends, full time)
• Different levels of programmes (foundation level as well as skill up gradation) to meet demands of various target groups
• Optimum utilization of existing infrastructure to make training cost effective.
• Testing of skills of trainees by independent assessing bodies who would not be involved in conduct of the training programme, to ensure that it is done impartially.
• Testing & certification of prior learning (skills of persons acquired informally) The Short Term courses would be based on “Employable Skills (ES)”.
The concept for the ES is:
• Identification of minimum skills set. Which is sufficient to get an employment in the Labour
• It allows skills upgradation, multi skilling, multi entry and exit, vertical mobility and life Long learning opportunities in a flexible manner.
• It also allows recognition of prior learning (certification of skills acquired informally) effectively.
• Courses could be available from different level in different vocations depending upon the need of the employer organisations.
• ES would benefit different target groups like:
Workers seeking certification of their skills acquired informally
Workers seeking skill upgradation
Early school drop-outs and unemployed
Previously child Labour and their family limit.