1. Identification of minimum skills set, which is sufficient to get an employment in the labour market.
  2. It allows skill upgradation, multi skill set, multi entry and exit, vertical mobility and lifelong learning opportunities in a flexible manner.
  3. It also allows recognition of prior learning (certification of skills acquired informally) effectively.
  4. The modules in the PVTP sector, when grouped together could lead to a qualification equivalent to National Trade Certificate or higher.
  5. Courses could be available from level 1 to level 3 in different vocations depending upon the need of the employer organizations.
  6. The main objective of the scheme is to provide employable skills to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.
  7. Priority will be given to covering those above the age of 14 years who have been or withdrawn as child labour to enable them to learn employable skills in order to get gainful employment.