Low education levels in existing work force
67% of the existing work force is either illiterate or literate up to primary level of education
High School Drop out Rate
Over 200 million students enroll in Class I each year, but only 20 million of these are able to finish Class XII
Over 200 million students enroll in Class I each year, but only 20 million of these are able to finish Class XII
- 90% of the students drop out at different stages before Class XII
- 63% of the students drop out before reaching Class X
They do not have necessary education and skills to be employed in the industry.
Comparing education levels of India’s adult population to other countries
Comparing India to countries with similar income levels – India does not underperform in primary education but has a comparative deficit in secondary education.
*These figures are from different years between 1998 and 2003 for the different countries
- Unemployability of the “Educated”
- The educated without professional skills constitute 69% of the total unemployed
- NASSCOM — the Indian IT industry's trade association — reported that 75% of the fresh engineering grads recruited by domestic IT providers are unemployable.
- Of roughly 509 million workers currently employed in India, only 12% are skilled.
- Need to focus on the skills for the informal sector
- The largest share of new jobs in India is supposed to come from the unorganized sector that employs up to 93% of the national workforce and produces 60% of GDP.
- Informal sector has very low levels of productivity (incomes).
- As per NSSO survey, large number of workers (around 30%) are living below the poverty line.
- Provision of appropriate skills is important to increase the employment prospects and productivity of this workforce.